Feedback form for the site. What is it, what do you need it for and how to create it?

The feedback form has long been the most acceptable way of communication between the resource owner and user.

There are many reasons for this. First of all, the use of the contact form greatly facilitates the sending of letters, thanks to special fields reserved for writing text. Such a template makes it more convenient to order specific services. Also a plus is that users do not need to enter the e-mail address of the site owner, as in the form of feedback this point is already provided. Moreover, a visitor to the site will not even know your e-mail address, which will be a potential protection against spam.

Among the huge number of advantages, which has a feedback form, it would be hard to see the shortcomings, even if they were. In addition to the convenience for the resource owner and user, it also saves time. This is due to the fact that a person who wants to ask a question, does not need to spend precious minutes to launch a mail client to send a letter. All you need to do is to go to a page with a feedback form, enter your name, email address, the text you need and a send button in the fields intended for this purpose. As for large companies, many users are simply lost when choosing a recipient, because often there are many different email boxes. And here again the feedback form will help! Moreover, if used correctly, it can significantly increase conversion.

Also in this form there may be another line to install which is highly recommended for all site owners using this type of feedback. We are talking about Captcha - code, which is an additional field where you need to enter certain numbers from the picture or a set of characters. Without it, the letter will not be sent. The need for such protection is due to the fact that nowadays there are robots capable of sending spam from feedback forms, and thanks to the security code only letters written by real people will be sent to your mailbox.

In order to create a feedback form yourself, you need special skills, including knowledge of html, javascript and php. However, there is also an alternative, using which each site owner can easily generate the necessary registration form, order form or feedback form. Namely, online FormDesigner.

It is very easy to start working with our service. To do this, you need to pass a simple registration, after which you can immediately proceed to the creation of a form. It is also possible to register in one click, through social networks.

In the first section, you will be able to customize the appearance of emails, set protection, select the action that will follow on successful sending, etc.

Feedback form settings

In the "Elements" section you can add, delete or edit fields to be filled. They may be text, digital, with an image, etc. In addition, you will have the opportunity to install social networking buttons.

Elements of the form

The feature of the online constructor web form is that with the help of our online service you can create a feedback form in just a few clicks. After that you will receive a special code which should be inserted into the site.

Code of the form to be inserted on your website

In addition to the standard advantages in the form of spam protection, customizing the appropriate appearance, etc., with our service you can quickly edit or add new fields, create multi-page forms or your own error messages. As for the design, there are advantages for advanced users, because they can customize the CSS properties of the form and make it more suitable in style for their own resource.

Creating a design theme for the feedback form

An additional positive quality of is that in addition to sending mails to your addresses, they are stored in the system itself, so you can at any time read even what has fallen under the spam filter. In addition, the "Statistics" section will provide you with a detailed report for a certain period of time.

Summing up, we can note one more undeniable advantage of feedback forms, namely that the letters sent in this way will come to your e-mail in a convenient and accurate form. Thanks to this, you can easily understand who sent it, and what is required of you!

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