Element of "Formula" form. New features

Good afternoon.

In this short article we would like to tell you about the fact that we have improved the "Formula" form element to which we have added support for such features:

  • min() - returns the smallest of several numbers
  • max() - returns the largest of several numbers
  • medium() - returns the average of several numbers
  • strlen() - returns the number of characters in a string

Let us remind you that in addition to these functions, we can also use them:

  • round() - returns a number rounded to the nearest integer
  • ceil() - rounds the number to the nearest larger integer
  • floor() - rounds the number to the nearest smaller integer
  • today() - returns the number of seconds from the current date
  • datetime() - returns the number of seconds from the current date and time

Use formulas as much as possible. That's all for today. Have a good day!

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