HTTPS for your subdomains


Today we have great news! We've finally added the automatic generation of a free certificate Let's Encrypt for your subdomains. Now all your subdomains can work via HTTPS protocol.

In order to add a subdomain, the first thing you need to do is to write a CNAME record in the DNS settings of your main domain. For example, if your main domain is and you want to create a subdomain -, the resulting CNAME record will look like this: 300 IN CNAME

The addition process may look different in different control panels. So check with your provider to find out how to add a CNAME record correctly.

Once the CNAME record has been added you have to wait for the cache of the DNS servers to update and this subdomain will be opened by a direct link. This does not happen immediately and in some cases can take up to 48 hours.

After your subdomain opens via a direct link you can go to the form settings in the "Subdomain" section to add this subdomain to your form. For more details on how to do this, please read our knowledge base at this link.

ЕIf you have done everything correctly and the subdomain has been successfully added to our system, it will be automatically issued an SSL certificate within 30 minutes and it can be used via HTTPS protocol.

If the subdomain hasn't started working via HTTPS within 30 minutes, please inform us about it in the chat on the site or via the feedback form

That's all for now. Have a good day!

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