Digest of the latest updates to FormDesigner

Good afternoon.

Today we decided to tell you about the changes in the web-form builder, which at first glance went unnoticed, but which our users have been asking us about for quite a long time.

Improvement of the Megaplan integration module

Upgraded to the new version of Megaplan REST API, which allowed us to implement functional that was previously unavailable:

  • Added the ability to customize comments for customer, company, and transaction.
  • For custom fields with answer choices we added the possibility to choose a particular answer choice from the list or specify a field from the form where the necessary choice will be searched and matched.
  • The same applies to system fields such as: type of activity, preferred method of communication, engagement channel, client type, person in charge, etc.
  • We added a system field "Counter", which allows you to increase by one the value of the numeric field in Megaplan, when updating the data. As you know, we do not create duplicate clients when the form is submitted. The search is done by phone number and email address and if such a client or company already exists, a new one is not created. By configuring the transmission of a new field "Counter", you can increase the value of the field by one each time the data is updated. The same applies to transactions. Thus it can be used when configuring business processes if you have several lead forms that users fill out while moving through the sales funnel.

Refinement of the Bitrix24 integration module

As with Megaplan, we added the ability for the fields with answer choices to select a particular value directly in the module, or specify a form element in which to search for values.

Using this feature, you can now configure the dynamic assignment of the responsible, depending on the selection in the form. This is configured through logical rules for form fields, where you can configure the setting of the desired value in a form field, depending on different conditions.

Mixing up the answer choices in the question

Mixing up the answer choices in the question

For form elements checkboxes, radio buttons and dropdown lists added a separate option "Shuffle answer choices". Turning this option on, answer choices will be displayed in different order when the form is opened.

Quickly switch item types between checkboxes, radio buttons or dropdowns

You can now quickly change the item type for forms with choices (checkboxes, radio buttons and dropdowns).

Quickly switch item types between checkboxes, radio buttons or dropdowns

It's very convenient, if you added an item, configured the response options, and then realized that it's better to use a dropdown list instead of checkboxes or vice versa, you don't need to delete and re-add a new item. Simply switch the type of item in the settings.

Improved the social lock

The option of choosing which services will be used to sign in and open the form was added to the social lock settings:

Improved the social lock

That's all for today. Leave your comments to this article, if these improvements will be helpful to you!

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