New form field "Product/Service"


Just recently, in Additional Fields, we have a new form field - Product/Service that you can use in your web forms. This field will be very useful for those users who offer a selection of goods or some services in their forms.

Here's what it might look like:

For each product you can add: product name, short description, product price and image. The user can select the desired products and indicate their quantity.

Also in the settings you can configure the arrangement of products: in the form of a table, in 1 row, in 1 column, in 2 columns, in 3 columns and 4 columns:

Here is an example of how products are displayed in 2 columns:

In the settings, you can change the text of the button, the name of the “Quantity” field, or, if necessary, hide this field altogether.

That's all for today. Have a good day.

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