Personal Account for users who filled out the form
Good afternoon.
We're excited to introduce you to our new module that allows you to create a personal account for users who have filled out your form. This application is called "Personal Account" and it allows you to enter your email or phone number into the form to receive a list of all requests with that information.
In order to create a personal account for users, you need to go to the "Applications" section of the form. Locate the Personal Account application in the list of available applications, move your mouse over it, and click Add:
When you do this you will see a window with the application settings:
All settings are broken down into separate tabs:
- Login page
- Confirmation page
- Personal Area
- Code for the site
Login page
In the Signup Page section you need to select the form element you wish to use as the login logic for your personal account. The following form elements are available: email address and phone number. This is the element that will be displayed on the sign-in form.
If you selected the Phone form item, you need to select a sms provider below and configure the text of the sms notification with a confirmation code.
You can also change the login page title, customized tooltip below the login box, and the text to be displayed if the login fails.
Confirmation page
After you enter your email address or phone number, you will be sent a confirmation code to be entered on the next page:
You can change the settings for this page in the application options under the "Confirmation page" tab:
Here you can change the caption for the Confirmation Code field, as well as customize the confirmation code error texts.
Personal Area
After users enter the validation code and click Submit, they go to their personal profile showing a list of requests with their details:
He can also search and filter his details, and it displays buttons for editing and printing requests.
In the application settings you can specify the title of the page in the "Personal Account" tab and select the interface language:
Code to site
The Site Code tab allows you to get a direct link to your member area login page or copy the JavaScript code to put on your site:
After you have everything set up, don't forget to click the "Save" button.
We hope you find this application useful. We welcome your suggestions on how you can improve and enhance the module.
That's all for today. Have a good day!