Online site calculator: features of creation

The designation of the word calculator roots comes from the Latin "calculo", translated as "count". There is also the Latin designation "calculus" which translates as "pebbles". This is where the use of these expressions in calculus comes from. A few years ago we used portable electronic calculators to perform some mathematical calculations. It took a long time before the present generation came up with the possibilities in the virtual world to create calculation and calculation systems for different applications.

What is an online calculator

Modern technologies allow you to already create the necessary html-calculator for the site in different areas. More recently, such operations required the services of special companies to create calculation programs and they were costly.

Basically, the need for a calculator is the ability to make interesting calculations for the client or visitor to make the right decision. All the data for the calculation are set during programming and are in the administrative part. A simple cost calculator for the site consists of:

  • drop-down list;
  • slider;
  • fields or buttons of the set of materials, services;
  • switches;
  • ticks;
  • currency rate, if necessary;
  • options for sending the result.

About the application and features of the calculator for the site

Ability to use the calculator increases the amount of traffic to the site, increases the demand for the product, increasing interest and establishes a close joint cooperation. The use of online calculators is especially important in construction, transportation, repair work, banking and clearing services, furniture manufacturing, cosmetics and other areas.

The main role of online calculators is to provide a potential client with correct and reliable information on the calculation of the desired order, without additional surveys and collecting information about the client. When the calculator is used, it is possible to understand that the product was contacted by the interested customer, and not by a casual visitor. When using the calculator on the website, you should take into account the possibility of contacting the customer with an employee of the company, to clarify the order or additional questions. Positive result will be with the quickest response from the employee and full satisfaction of the questions asked, as well as an attractive and competitive final sum on the calculator.

Calculator on the functions of calculations should be understandable to the client and not be constructively difficult to handle, so as not to irritate the visitor and leaving the page. You may consider using additional discount sections in the calculator when you increase the amount of the product or a set of bonuses that allow you to use them when ordering again within a certain time to reduce the cost of the product.

How to create an online website calculator

Creating a calculator does not require a lot of knowledge in programming, and most importantly, saves money when you put it on your own website. The created website calculator designer can be easily installed on any page of the site, has its own ready-made code without links and other labels.

Independent work on the installation of the calculator brings satisfaction with the results in the work, you learn additional skills in programming, and most importantly, it saves money, time, created product meets all your requirements, the calculator gets without additional tags and other labels "clean" code. You can collect different types of calculators for different sites, such as for calculating construction materials or for calculating bank mortgages, for reference books and so on.

Существуют и сложные процессы программирования калькулятора, где требуется дополнительные сервисные установки. Вы можете обратиться за услугой к фрилансерам, то есть специалистам способным за определенную оплату и небольшой промежуток времени подготовить индивидуальный калькулятор под ваши требования дизайна, управляемости, технической возможности. Фрилансеры могут обеспечить вас сразу несколькими вариантами онлайн-калькулятора и смоделировать их под необходимый сайт. Правда такой вариант решения задачи имеет и обратную сторону. Во-первых, хороший специалист стоит недешево и к этому нужно быть готовым. Во-вторых, в случае необходимости внесения в форму калькулятора каких-либо изменений по прошествии времени, где искать того самого фрилансера? Да и нет гарантии, что он не будет занят и согласится вносить нужные вам правки в исходный код для сайта.

Using FormDesigner

When using the constructor FormDesigner can quickly create a variety of calculators, with a set of different parameters and in a variety of graphic styles, the designer has a Russian-language interface with a mass of functions. The ability to edit text using the toolbar is much faster than in other services. The flexibility of the system allows to perform many functional and design operations. But the most important highlight of the service is its speed, which is simply space and high quality from the developer feedback. It means that all changes in the calculator, which you create for your website, you immediately see on your computer monitor. This means that you can make all the changes immediately. And you can immediately see what it will look like on your website.

Creating an online calculator for your website

To create a calculator in the FormDesigner constructor you don't need any special knowledge or installation of additional programs, you just need to select the template you like, perform a set of given data, get the code, copy and install the ready calculator to the website. You can edit or make changes in real time, all data are stored in a special block of the service. That is, if in the future you need to make any changes to the code calculator, it will be sufficient to go to the site and online to make the necessary corrections. To connect to the system you need to log in to your personal cabinet and perform the specified setting of the calculator following the instructions for setting up.

The more choice of different forms of calculations and information, modern design and high speed in data processing will be at the calculator on your site, the more effective will be the page attendance and, accordingly, better result of its visitors' activity.

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