Digest of the latest updates

Good afternoon.

Today we are in a hurry to tell you about our latest improvements that have appeared in our web form builder.

Letter direction

Now in the design theme in the "Form" section, you can configure the direction of the letter:

  • From left to right
  • From right to left

Letter direction

Now you can easily customize your web form for any language of the Middle East and South Asia, for example in Arabic or Hebrew.

Refinements to the calendar

Now, for a calendar embedded directly into the form, you can specify the day of the beginning of the week: Monday or Sunday.

Refinement of the calendar

Language of the calendar

In addition, it is now possible to customize the translation of the calendar into any language. To do this, select the value "Own translation" in the "Language of the calendar" field.

Language of the calendar

After that, you need to create and connect your own set of messages with translation to the form. You can find out how to do this by this link.

Dynamic calendar lock interval

Very often, when working with online customer records, it is necessary to have the possibility of a dynamic time blocking interval. What does this mean? For example, you provide several services, the execution time of which is different and you need, depending on the service, to block the time available for selection in the calendar for a different period of time.

Previously, this could not be configured for us. The duration of the lock was a constant, i.e. it had a constant value. Now you can select the form element by which the duration of the lock will be calculated.

Dynamic calendar lock interval

To do this, in the “Duration of blocking in minutes” it is necessary to specify the macro of the element that will contain the duration of the lock. This can be a field for entering numbers or a formula.

That's all for today. Have a good day!

Ready-made templates of web forms

Calculate the cost of washing your car and get a discount.

With this template in the form of a receipt, you can attract customers for service in your car wash. Template can be edited, added and removed fields Details

Rent a car

Find out the cost of renting a car and get a discount for passing the survey. You can edit the template and add/remove fields. Details

Find out the cost of treatment from a dentist

A few simple questions need to be answered Details

Sign up for a car service

Template of online time reservation for car service services Details

Order turnkey form development

No time to figure out all the settings yourself? No problem!
Order web form development from us