News HTTPS for your subdomains 22.10.2020 Data Source "Google Table" 09.09.2020 New module integration with cloud micro-CRM 03.09.2020 New functionality. Data Sources 31.08.2020 Social lock and prohibition to re-fill out the form 04.08.2020 Prohibition on re-filling the form 30.07.2020 Element of "Formula" form. New features 28.07.2020 Payment terminal. New possibilities 09.07.2020 Button names in multi-page form 02.07.2020 Design theme, size and basic colors of countdown timer 26.06.2020 Refinement of the "Timer" form element 22.06.2020 New form element "Messenger" 15.06.2020 Step-by-step forms 04.11.2019 Dynamic value substitution in the form 29.09.2014 Pages:< 1 2 3 4 5 >